All ready to go on a walk!
My first time on the beach with Daddy!
I'm not too sure about this, Daddy!
She loves her Gloworm Gigi got her.
Our view every day! AH!
Our view every night! AH!
Eva & Uncle Chase
Ricky building a sand castle "Fort Ricky"
Some tummy time. Yes, she can now roll over from her back to her tummy all by herself! We're so proud! Soon she'll be into EVERYTHING!
Ricky trying to finish his sand castle before the storm hits. Notice the dark clouds approaching. Dedicated artist.
The finished castle! The storm didn't distroy it, a little boy did...boys will be boys.
Dad, my brother, and Ricky all ate oysters! YUCK!
Eva and Daddy watching some specials about 9/11 on the History Channel.
"Fort Beers" that Ricky and I built together. This one also got knocked down.
Beach Family Photo
Our family portrait on the beach.
"I'm cute and I know it!"
3 Generations
Father and Daughter...AWE!
The dolphins were having fun riding the waves.
We drove to Little Rock on Saturday. We were planning on leaving Saturday morning like by 9. Ok, with last minute stuff, packing, and a baby, we didn't leave until about 1pm. When we got to my parents house, Ricky and my dad went to the Red/White game. While they were gone Eva rolled over from her back to her tummy all by herself! We're so proud of our little girl! :) It's only a matter of time before she's crawling everywhere. Mom and Dad let us borrow the Highlander for the trip since we can only fit so much into our Honda. The four of us left Little Rock at 6:30am in a two car caravan. It's definitely different taking road trips with a baby. Having to stop and feed, burp, and change her every few hours. We made it to Destin in 12 hours. Then started our week long vacation at the beach! We all had a great time and Eva enjoyed time with the family.