Our favorite picture of all time! (1 week old)
Daddy's little girl!

Storytime with Daddy!
Eva's smirk picture. Makes me smile!
Love this picture!
Eva and her babysitter, Heather
My little Cuddle Bug!
Eva's first card game. She did great!
Uncle Chase and Eva.
It's hard to believe that 12 weeks ago yesterday we were in the hospital getting ready to welcome our beautiful little angel girl into the world, our hearts, our arms, and our lives. She has been such a blessing to us and can't wait to watch her grow up into a beautiful woman inside and out (well, not TOO fast). She has been a very good baby and never fails to entertain us throughout the day. She gets more and more beautiful with each passing day, if that is at all possible.
Barkley is back to work at Foxwood Sports part time. She works Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and every other Thursday. We have an awesome babysitter, Heather, who watches Eva while Barkley is at work. It's hard to leave her but remember that we'll see her in the evenings. Barkley left Eva for the first time for 4 days while she went to her Premier Designs jewelry Rally conference in Dallas. Leaving her that first time was the hardest part yet. Barkley had a great time in Dallas and was at ease knowing Eva was with her Daddy and Gigi (Barkley's Mom). The long term goal/plan is for Barkley to build up her jewelry business so she can stay home with baby Eva full time. She loves working at Foxwood Sports and really likes her coworkers, but loves Eva more. Barkley loves being a Mommy and wouldn't change it for anything in the world! Her favorite part of the day is going into Eva's room in the mornings and making eye contact with her and getting the biggest smile Eva can give her. It makes everyday that much better.
Ricky is still faithfully working at Arvest Bank as a Customer Service Rep. He's not fond of his current position and would like to get a job in a different department at the bank. Maybe something working with computers and fixing them (aka IT department). Nothing has really opened up yet, but he's still looking. Ricky's favorite part of the day is coming home from work and picking up Eva and giving her a big hug and kiss. Even if he's had a stressful day, Eva makes it all better.