Here is our little bundle of joy! Good luck trying to figure out what is what in these pictures. :) I went to the doctor today and everything looks fine, right on schedule, 11 weeks along! As my doctor was trying to take these pictures, the baby was squirming around like crazy. It was so cool to watch. I've lost about 9 pounds because I haven't really felt like eating being sick and all, I was just eating what I could. Ricky couldn't get off work to go with me. He's a very proud Daddy anyway. We're looking forward for the next appointment in a month where we get to hear the heartbeat and the following month is the official ultrasound and find out the sex of the baby. We don't care if it's a boy or girl, just that it's healthy. Which so far it is. It is more real now that we have pictures. I was sick for most of the week last week, so I'm hoping I'm on the upswing of it all. I'm feeling more normal this week. I hope to feel it kicking in the next few weeks. I'll keep you posted on the progress. Enjoy!
You lost weight being pregnant? I want to be you when I grow up!
awww... I can tell... the baby's going to be a cutie!:)
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